Tamara Stewart | The Academy at Shotton Hall

Tamara Stewart

Tamara has worked in secondary education for over 15 years in a variety of roles including pastoral and department leadership.

Tamara also worked as an examiner and moderator and holds a National Professional Qualification for Middle Leadership (NPQML) status and is currently undergoing the Senior Leadership and Governor Leadership equivalents.

She is currently the Head of Computer Science at The Academy at Shotton Hall and also works with other schools in the North East Learning Trust to improve provision in this curriculum area. 

Tamara believed that education should encompass the teaching and learning of skills as well as the imparting of knowledge. It is her view that teachers can support students both academically and personally with equal effectiveness. She says: "Equipping students with life and social skills including decision making, critical analysis and what it means to be a good citizen. Challenge lies in creating opportunity, realising potential and inspiring our students to achieve; ensuring they feel like education is a shared and life-long experience. Every student matters and should have the same entitlement to a high-quality education, as every student has an innate ability to succeed."