Tell us about your life after leaving Shotton Hall...
I went on to complete my A levels at English Martyrs Sixth Form and now, I'm a final year Journalism student at Northumbria University. Over the Summers of 2018 and 2019, I took part in the Camp America programme. Altogether, I spent 9 months in Los Angeles working on a Kids day Camp and experiencing the lifestyle of an American in the sun. I became the first international staff member to win 'Camp Counsellor of the year' and the friends and memories I made in America, will stay with me forever.
What has been the highlight of your life so far?
I've been so fortunate to travel to some of the most amazing places. Hollywood, San Francisco, Las Vegas, Mexico and India are just a few from the last few years. Each place, I've met new friends and saw new sites. I have so many photos and memories in such a small space of time that have made me an all-round better person in preparation for the future.
What's your favourite memories from Shotton Hall?
My favourite memories from Shotton Hall have to be the opportunities I was given from the Performing arts department. From putting together different musicals, being apart of the Young Americans project and performing as Macbeth at Durham Gala Theatre. In my final year of school, I was given the privilege to be Head-boy for that academic year. To be able to represent the school on different occasions is an accolade ill keep with me for the rest of my life.
What are your future plans and ambitions?
With my Journalism degree, I'd love to establish myself into the TV or Radio world. The Academy gave me a confidence and passion to entertain and I hope to make a career in that. I have family in India so I have ambitions to go to Asia for a period of time and travel and spend time with my cousins. For now, I have a few things lined up in TV and Radio so watch this space.