
Useful websites and phone numbers

Phone numbers

Name Number Service
Childline 0800 1111 This is a free 24 hour helpline for young people in distress or danger.
The Samaritans

08457 909090

A free helpline for anyone who wants to talk to someone anonymously for support.
One Point 03000 26 11 16 You can phone for advice or arrange to meet someone to talk about your problems.

Other places to get help

Name How could they help? Number
NSPCC Protect children and prevent abuse 0808 800 5000
Peterlee Families First Social services

03000 261116

03000 263139

Sunderland Together for Children Social services 0191 520 5560
One Point The Leisure Centre, St Cuthbert’s Way, Peterlee, County Durham, SR8 1AF One Point offers support and advice to young people up to the age of 19 on a wide range of issues including health, bullying and what activities are available to young people in the area.

35-37 Groat Market, Newcastle upon Tyne

Tel 0191 2305400

Provides information, advice and counselling for young people aged 11-25 years around issues such as housing, smoking cessation, contraception, sexual health, substance use, relationships and sexuality.

G.P/Practice nurse

  Make an appointment to see your usual doctor or nurse for advice.
First Contact Safeguarding concerns for yourself, friends or family 03000 267979
CAMHS Crisis Mental health concerns for yourself, friends or family 0191 441 5733

Young Minds - for young people and parents/carers and

PAPYRUS: Suicide prevention and support phone: HOPEline UK on 0800 068 4141

Text Help: 07786 209697

The Mix (Useful info on a wide range of topics)